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Front cover

Front cover


At tjene øjeblikket (Serving the Moment) is an almanac, the journey of an apprentice, a story of finding paths to being and gentle doing in a trembling world.
A woman packs her rucksack with longings for deeper connections to a larger ecology and to the more-than-human, and with intentions of unlearning what no longer serves her. Her year-long journey leads her each month to person with an ecologically rooted practice.
She learns about Inuit tattoos that embed ancestral knowledge, about bird song, sensuous enchantment, the abundance of the soil and the enigmatic qualities of water, about a language of care and the voice of the heart, and about standing in right relationship to the living world. She meets a super strong woman who nurses the dying, and a lifeguard, whose deep dive into his own darkness reveals that love and community can save a whole lot. A shepherd and her flock show the woman how to part of a vast spaciousness and remain grounded. In the last month of the year, a spiritual guide tells the woman that each moment holds space for learning, and waking up to what is, is what consciousness is all about.” (from the back cover).


Serving the Moment is my first book, and in this respect am I also an apprentice, a beginner, like the Fool in the Major Arcana of Tarot. The book interweaves the practices of 12 people with my own experience (and lack thereof). It mixes world events, nature writing, folklore, myths, art, cultural history, biology and science to try to resonate with the world’s complexity. Not to rationally reduce it but to open for it, connect to it, embrace it. Recurrent themes are a language of care, the importance of song, stories, play, humor, rest, ritual, magical moments, wholehearted presence, joy, sorrow and perception of time.
Serving the Moment unfolds what spiritual ecology is, told through the practices of 12 people. It is about growing an ecological consciousness and points towards a new ontology (for Westerners): being in a sacred and animate world.


Gry Worre Hallberg (PhD, visual artist, Sisters Hope)
Maya Sialuk Jacobsen (researcher, visual artist, tattoo artist, Inuit Tattoo Traditions)
Shëkufe Tadayoni Heiberg (writer, publisher, Forlaget Uro)
Nikolaj Sorgenfrei Blom (quantum biologist)
Bjarne Bo Jensen (biologist, ornithologist)
Rune Hjarnø Rasmussen (PhD in history of religion, Nordic Animism)
Sandra Villumsen (regenerative farmer, founder of Den Regenerative Jordbrugsskole, Farendløse Mosteri)
Lise Hovesen (visual artist, shepherd, Nomadic Shepherd School)
Lasse Nyholm Jensen (architect, self-sufficient, Danish Champion of poetry slam)
Peter Voss-Knude (visual artist, singer, lifeguard)
Lisbeth Kensmark Mikkelsen (hospice nurse and weightlifter)
Sisselmaya Øster (spiritual guide)
The book is beautifully illustrated by Matilde Maria Rasmussen and graphically designed by Office Hours. You can purchase it in/through your local bookstore, at online bookstores, or in my web shop.

480 pages - in Danish.
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